Lunes, Agosto 5, 2013

Cupid and Psyche

1 komento:

  1. I was attracted to this story because it is about love. After reading this I discovered the true meaning of love and I continuously reading love stories. This is a Roman Mythology about the mortal maiden Psyche who fell in love with Cupid, who was the God of Love. Psyche was confused who was the man beside her so she sneaks a look and surprised that her husband was Cupid. Cupid was disappointed to Psyche because she never trusts him so he decided to go to his mother. She faces all the obstacles given by Venus to bring back the love of Cupid. So after that Cupid found Psyche sleeping on the ground so he removes the sleeping spell back and they married. This is the unity of soul and heart.
    With Venus, Psyche, and Cupid all reaching a positive ending, illustrates that when love is pure, all trials, pains, sorrows, and challenges will align to ensure that the love is realized. Even nature, as the ants and eagle demonstrate, support true love. Of all the stories in the Greek mythology, none more clearly demonstrates that true love exists than this story. Moreover, Psyche reveals that true love is to be defended and supported no matter what the cost.
    The story continues to explore the distinction between humans and gods, as Venus is bitterly jealous of a mortal who draws other mortals away from her, a goddess. On earth, the soul, figured as Psyche, is amazingly beautiful but faces great trials. Order is restored when the soul reaches the heavens. The prospect of one’s own soul following this path can be very attractive.
    This story is similar to my favorite Disney Story, the Beauty and The Beast. In this story, there's a beautiful girl, the youngest in her family . She goes off to a magical castle to marry a "monster." Luckily, it turns out that he's a gorgeous prince. Sure, Beauty goes off to live with a guy who actually looks like a monster, whereas with Psyche she just thinks her man might be beastly, but it all comes out the same in the end.

    Both stories are also about a young woman proving her worth. Beauty must show that she can look beyond physical appearance and love the man inside the Beast; Psyche must prove that despite her betrayal of Cupid's trust, she's determined and loyal. When both women demonstrate their strong character, they're rewarded with a happily ever after.
    The message of this story is that the love can’t live without trust.
